Rotary Encoder

Sparkfun RGB pushbutton rotary encoder COM-10982

Follow the link below for an example and code that uses a MCP23017 port expander to add 16 digital I/O ports to the Arduino via the I2C bus.
  Sparkfun RGB pushbutton rotary encoder COM-10982

  Circuit:  'component - rotary encoder - SF COM-10982.fzz'

  Modified by: Mark Kiehl
  Original source:
    Mike Grusin, SparkFun Electronics
  Rotary change:  rotary encoder output 0 to 255; var rotary_counter_pos
  Short button press:  Function A on/off (red LED on/off); var FnAstate (LOW/HIGH)
  Long button press:  Function B on/off; var FnBstate (true/false)
  Very long button press (>2sec):  Save rotary encoder value to EEPROM (restored on next reboot). 
  Rotary encoder pin A to digital pin 3*  (interrupt 1)
  Rotary encoder pin B to analog pin 3
  Rotary encoder pin C to ground
  Rotary encoder pin 1 (red cathode) to digital pin 5
  Rotary encoder pin 2 (green cathode) to digital pin 9
  Rotary encoder pin 3 (button) to digital pin 4
  Rotary encoder pin 4 (blue cathode) to digital pin 6
  Rotary encoder pin 5 (common anode) to VCC (3.3V or 5V)
  Rotary encoder pin A & C 0.1uF cap  
  Rotary encoder pin B & C 0.1uF cap
  Weak pullup resistors are turned on in the setup for encoder pins A & B
  * pin uses interrupt and cannot be changed.

    DIO 2   
    DIO ~3  rotary encoder pin A *
    DiO 4   rotary encoder button pin 3
    DIO ~5  rotary encoder red cathode pin 1
    DIO ~6  rotary encoder blue cathode pin 4
    DIO 7   
    DIO ~9  rotary encoder green cathode pin 2
    DIO ~10 
    DIO ~11 
    DIO 12  
    DIO 13  
    AIO 0  
    AIO 1  
    AIO 2  
    AIO 3  rotary encoder pin B
    AIO 4  
    AIO 5  
   SparkFun P/N COM-10982 rotary encoder with RGB
   SparkFun P/N BOB-11722 breakout board

  Because this is a COMMON ANODE DEVICE, the pushbutton requires an 
  external 1K-10K pullDOWN resistor in order to be detected properly.
  Software debounce is implemented, but performance may be further 
  improved by installing  0.1uF capacitors between A and ground , 
  and B and ground.



// The I/O pins used by the rotary encoder hardware are set up to
// automatically call interrupt functions (rotaryIRQ and buttonIRQ)
// each time the rotary encoder changes states.

// The rotaryIRQ function transparently maintains a counter that
// increments or decrements by one for each detent ("click") of
// the rotary encoder knob. This function also sets a flag
// (rotary_change) to true whenever the counter changes. You can
// check this flag in your main loop() code and perform an action
// when the knob is turned.

// The buttonIRQ function does the same thing for the pushbutton
// built into the rotary encoder knob. It will set flags for
// button_pressed and button_released that you can monitor in your
// main loop() code. There is also a variable for button_downtime
// which records how long the button was held down.

// There is also code in the main loop() that keeps track
// of whether the button is currently being held down and for
// how long. This is useful for "hold button down for five seconds
// to power off"-type situations, which cannot be handled by
// interrupts alone because no interrupts will be called until
// the button is actually released.

// Uses the PinChangeInt library by Lex Talionis,
// download from
// Load the PinChangeInt (pin change interrupt) library

#define ROT_A 3 // rotary encoder pin A
#define ROT_B A3 // rotary encoder pin B
#define ROT_SW 4 // rotary encoder pin puhbutton (pin 3)
#define ROT_LEDR 5 // rotary encoder (RGB) red LED (pin 1)
#define ROT_LEDB 6 // rotary encoder (RGB) blue LED (pin 4)
#define ROT_LEDG 9 // rotary encoder (RGB green LED (pin 2)

// RGB LED colors (for common anode LED, 0 is on, 1 is off)
#define OFF B111
#define RED B110
#define GREEN B101
#define YELLOW B100
#define BLUE B011
#define PURPLE B010
#define CYAN B001
#define WHITE B000


// Global variables that can be changed in interrupt routines
//volatile int rotary_counter = 0; // current "position" of rotary encoder (increments CW)
volatile int rotary_counter_pos = 125;
volatile boolean rotary_change = false; // will turn true if rotary_counter has changed
volatile boolean button_pressed = false; // will turn true if the button has been pushed
volatile boolean button_released = false; // will turn true if the button has been released (sets button_downtime)
volatile unsigned long button_downtime = 0L; // ms the button was pushed before release

// Function A and Function B
// Set to whatever you want to do when the rotary encoder buttion 
// is pressed for a short or medium duration. 
byte FnAstate = LOW;
boolean FnBstate = false;
// include the EEPROM library
const byte addrEEPROM = 0;

#define DEBUG true

void setup(){
  // Set up all the I/O pins. Unused pins are commented out.

  pinMode(ROT_B, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(ROT_B, HIGH); // turn on weak pullup
  pinMode(ROT_A, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(ROT_A, HIGH); // turn on weak pullup
  pinMode(ROT_SW, INPUT);  // The rotary switch is common anode with external 1k-10k pulldown, do not turn on pullup
  pinMode(ROT_LEDB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ROT_LEDG, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ROT_LEDR, OUTPUT);
  // We use the standard external interrupt pin for the rotary,
  // but we'll use the pin change interrupt library for the button.
  attachInterrupt(1, rotaryIRQ, CHANGE);
  PCintPort::attachInterrupt(ROT_SW, &buttonIRQ, CHANGE);
  #if DEBUG
    // serial must be 11500 or faster!
    Serial.begin(115200); // Use serial for debugging
    while (!Serial) {
      ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
    Serial.println("setup complete");

  //  Get the last value of rotary_counter_pos saved to EEPROM and assign it to rotary_counter_pos.
  rotary_counter_pos =;
  #if DEBUG
    Serial.print("rotary_counter_pos from EEPROm = ");
    Serial.println("  ");

void buttonIRQ()
  // Process rotary encoder button presses and releases, including
  // debouncing (extra "presses" from noisy switch contacts).
  // If button is pressed, the button_pressed flag is set to true.
  // (Manually set this to false after handling the change.)
  // If button is released, the button_released flag is set to true,
  // and button_downtime will contain the duration of the button
  // press in ms. (Set this to false after handling the change.)

  static boolean button_state = false;
  static unsigned long start, end;
  if ((PCintPort::pinState == HIGH) && (button_state == false))
  // Button was up, but is currently being pressed down
    // Discard button presses too close together (debounce)
    start = millis();
    if (start > (end + 10)) // 10ms debounce timer
      button_state = true;
      button_pressed = true;
  else if ((PCintPort::pinState == LOW) && (button_state == true))
  // Button was down, but has just been released
    // Discard button releases too close together (debounce)
    end = millis();
    if (end > (start + 10)) // 10ms debounce timer
      button_state = false;
      button_released = true;
      button_downtime = end - start;

void rotaryIRQ() {
  // Process input from the rotary encoder.
  // The rotary "position" is held in rotary_counter, increasing for CW rotation (changes by one per detent).
  // If the position changes, rotary_change will be set true. (You may manually set this to false after handling the change).

  // This function will automatically run when rotary encoder input A transitions in either direction (low to high or high to low)
  // By saving the state of the A and B pins through two interrupts, we'll determine the direction of rotation
  // int rotary_counter will be updated with the new value, and boolean rotary_change will be true if there was a value change
  // Based on concepts from Oleg at circuits@home (
  // Unlike Oleg's original code, this code uses only one interrupt and has only two transition states;
  // it has less resolution but needs only one interrupt, is very smooth, and handles switchbounce well.

  static unsigned char rotary_state = 0; // current and previous encoder states
  rotary_state <<= 2; // remember previous state
  rotary_state |= (digitalRead(ROT_A) | (digitalRead(ROT_B) << 1)); // mask in current state
  rotary_state &= 0x0F; // zero upper nybble
  if (rotary_state == 0x09) // from 10 to 01, increment counter. Also try 0x06 if unreliable
    rotary_change = true;
  else if (rotary_state == 0x03) // from 00 to 11, decrement counter. Also try 0x0C if unreliable
    rotary_change = true;

void loop() {
  // "Static" variables are initalized once the first time
  // that loop runs, but they keep their values through
  // successive loops.
  static unsigned char x = -1;
  static boolean button_down = false;
  static unsigned long int button_down_start, button_down_time;
  // The rotary IRQ sets the flag rotary_counter to true
  // if the knob position has changed. We can use this flag
  // to do something in the main loop() each time there's
  // a change. We'll clear this flag when we're done, so
  // that we'll only do this if() once for each change.
  if (rotary_change) {
    // when knob rotated:
    rotary_change = false; // Clear flag   
    #if DEBUG
      Serial.print("rotary_counter_pos: ");
      Serial.println("  ");
    // Reset if value < 0 or > 255
    if (rotary_counter_pos < 0) {
      rotary_counter_pos = 0;
    } else if (rotary_counter_pos > 255) {
      rotary_counter_pos = 255;
    if (FnAstate == HIGH) {
      setColorRotaryEncoderLED(rotary_counter_pos, 0, 0);  // red
  } // rotary_change
  // The button IRQ also sets flags to true, one for
  // button_pressed, one for button_released. Like the rotary
  // flag, we'll clear these when we're done handling them.

  if (button_pressed) {
    button_pressed = false; // Clear flag
    // We'll set another flag saying the button is now down
    // this is so we can keep track of how long the button
    // is being held down. (We can't do this in interrupts,
    // because the button state is not changing).
    button_down = true;
    button_down_start = millis();

  // main button press section
  if (button_released) {
    button_released = false; // Clear flag
    // Clear our button-being-held-down flag
    button_down = false;
    if (button_downtime <= 250) {
      // Short button press
      // Alternate FnAstate HIGH/LOW & turn rotary encoder LED on/off
      // Set FnBstate false
      #if DEBUG
        Serial.println("short button press");
      if (FnAstate == HIGH) {
        FnAstate = LOW;
      } else {
        FnAstate = HIGH;
        setColorRotaryEncoderLED(rotary_counter_pos, 0, 0);  // red
      #if DEBUG
        Serial.print("rotary_counter_pos: ");
        Serial.print("FnAstate:  ");
        Serial.println("  ");
    } else if (button_downtime > 250 && button_downtime < 2000) {
      //  Long button press
      #if DEBUG
        Serial.println("long button press");
      //  Set FnBstate true/false
      if (FnBstate == true) {
        FnBstate = false;
      } else {
        FnBstate = true;
      #if DEBUG
        Serial.print("FnBstate:  ");
        Serial.println("  ");
    } else {
      //  Very long button press
      //  Save rotary encoder value to EEPROM
      EEPROM.write(addrEEPROM, rotary_counter_pos);
      #if DEBUG
        Serial.println("long button press");
        Serial.print("Saved to EEPROM rotary_counter_pos = ");
        Serial.println("  ");
      byte myEEPROMval;
      myEEPROMval =;
      if (myEEPROMval == rotary_counter_pos) {
      } else {
      // reset the state of the rotary encoder LED
      if (FnAstate == HIGH) {
        setColorRotaryEncoderLED(0, 0, rotary_counter_pos);  // blue
      } else {

  if (FnBstate == true) {
    //do something
  } //FnBstate

}  // loop

// Rotary encoder functions

void setColorRotaryEncoderLED(int red, int green, int blue){
    red = 255 - red;
    green = 255 - green;
    blue = 255 - blue;
  analogWrite(ROT_LEDR, red);
  analogWrite(ROT_LEDG, green);
  analogWrite(ROT_LEDB, blue);  

void setRotaryEncoderLED(unsigned char color)
// Set RGB LED to one of eight colors (see #defines above)
  // color values
  // red
  // green
  // blue
  // yellow
  // white
  // purple
  // off = -1   
  digitalWrite(ROT_LEDR,color & B001);
  digitalWrite(ROT_LEDG,color & B010);
  digitalWrite(ROT_LEDB,color & B100);

void blinkRotaryEncoderLED(unsigned char color){
  //  consumes 300 ms.
  // color values
  // red
  // green
  // blue
  // yellow
  // white
  // purple
  // off = -1   
  for(int i = 5; i > 0; i--){
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDR,color & B001);
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDG,color & B010);
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDB,color & B100);
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDR,OFF & B001);
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDG,OFF & B010);
    digitalWrite(ROT_LEDB,OFF & B100);


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